Game Configuration
This page is work-in-progress
If you've just downloaded the client and got directed here by the launcher, you need to download, put it in the game dir next to mgpatcher.exe, and run.
Client Settings
All options edited through our custom settings window ingame are also available at patcher/game.cfg file in the game directory. It looks like this:
# PW Mirage Game Config
# This is a list of configuration commands. The same commands can be typed
# into the built-in console inside the game (Shift + ~). Putting them here
# simply makes them execute at launch.
# There's multiple variances (profiles) of game configuration in this file.
# The game starts with any profile selected from the launcher or provided
# via game.exe parameters (if launched directly):
# "C:\PWMirage\element\game.exe" --profile Secondary
# or
# "C:\PWMirage\element\game.exe" -p Secondary
# The syntax is a very basic subset of Shell. See
# for full documentation.
# Changing ingame settings will modify this file. The conflicting commands
# may be updated, or new overriding rules might be added to the end of file.
set r_d3d8 0
set r_render_nofocus 1
set r_head_hp_bar 0
set r_head_mp_bar 0
if [ "$PROFILE" == "Secondary" ]; then
set r_x 10
set r_y 10
set r_width 1297
set r_height 731
set r_fullscreen 0
if [ "$PROFILE" == "Tertiary" ]; then
set r_x 960
set r_y 0
set r_width 960
set r_height 1040
set r_fullscreen 1
set r_borderless 1
bind "1" "Skill 1 (Bottom bar)"
- r_x any r_y define window starting position. (0,0) is the top left corner, (10,0) is 10px off from the left edge. If you have multiple screens, think of the coordinates as if they were on canvas that spans through all of those screens.
Note: If both x and y are set to -1 the window is automatically centered on the primary screen regardless of its size. - r_width and r_height define window dimensions. This is the complete size of the game window, including system borders and the window handle at the top.
- r_fullscreen forces the game into fullscreen, ignoring r_x, r_y, r_width and r_height