Leveling up on 70+ consists mostly of grind. Can we make it more interesting somehow? We could at least add a few daily quests to kill a world miniboss or some amount of regular mobs.

Daily quests
The server was closed on April 2nd, 2023
could always add some exp to one man army, as well as rep. But also maybe implement an NPC that gives daily "group" quests sort of like the bounty hunter?
maybe an event-like npc that shows up for a random day (and a system announcement is sent) and offers a q to kill e.g. 5 Qingzis?
He could show up once in a week.
that is a fun idea actually -- perhaps it can be based on your level?
oh yes, we definitely don't want to offer doing wraithgate to low-levels
no suicide runs? where is the fun in that
that idea would be good. adding quests to kill lower level fb bosses. would help high levels do bosses for the noobs
idea for bounty Hunter
remove the bounty Hunter npc and add a new npc called something
have this npc offer one of the two options
1. offers a quest for all the bosses in a set of caves. ( lv40s would get a quest to kill qingzi, lv50 would get quest to kill all 3 bosses in fb39). this would allow you to do the whole run without having to go back for bh2/3. this would be a daily once per day. adding one quest per level bracket.
2. do the same concept but in an oracle form. you would get a scroll that would give you a quest to kill a set of bosses. this would give less exp than a daily but would also be repeatable and allow you to benefit from any fb cave run. ( a lv80 could get a bh scroll for qingzi and help run that cave and get exp for it).
I do like the idea of getting all "BH" in one go, saves a LOT of time, keeps from having to constantly run the caves. I almost have the "blood NPC" done, which allows you to CHOOSE what the additional reward for doing the FB is (trade the blood for exp, spirit, mysterious chips, reputation) which encourages people to run the FB, and get a lil "extra" of their choice, depending on what they need/want. Perhaps the same NPC can have a "weekly" quest, that covers multiple bosses/ caves, and rewards more? Again, would encourage the running of FB's, cause you get the FB exp, blood you can exchange for your choice of reward, AND a nice reward for doing the weekly quest -- perhaps it could even be a weekly chain of quests? Not sure how to do that one.