The server was closed on April 2nd, 2023
this is what i did
all basic lunar mats convert into a lunar token (crystals/fragments/essence) I based ratio off how often they drop and what drop them. (ex. boss drops worth more).
lunar tokens are used to craft fragment crystal, transparent crystal, essence crystals. These are used to make all the green lunar gears along with essence of nature ( gives 2 per craft now).
For gold gears, all tt mats were replaced with tt token requirements (overall tt token cost is lower ).
Gold lunar mats are evenly used for all crafting recipes, you can make the gold lunar mats with tokens but they themselves don't make tokens. Gold mat values based off what they are used for (ex. ancient tinder is most expensive because it makes weps and rings).
This should make lunar a bit easier to farm thobased off my few mock runs i did
I thought you were saying you "lowered the total token cost to make gold TT gear". I was confused. I do like the idea of converting the TT ma requirement to token cost, and then making it a reasonable amount -- looks awesome Entei.
for lunar I didn't different than my fc project. I just took out needing base gear to make the green lunar armor and converted all tt mats for gold armor Into a token cost. I'm gonna probably change fc to something similar.
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