FB Blood issue for new / lower lvl players

The server was closed on April 2nd, 2023
  • Just like i expected new players or lower levels are struggling to farm fb blood since not many people are tabbing at their level. Please consider adding another way for them to get blood. Maybe drops from the bosses.

    Edit: As a raw ideea if you would implement boss drops, prices could be increased at the exchange npc to make it relevant and it would create some diversity in things to grind too. Also if some people are worried that higher lvl players could "abuse" low lvl fbs, you would mostly farm training esoterica, rep and later on tome fragments and pages and i dont think thats game breaking, with the proper balance. The basic ideea here is to help new players get started easier

  • I think adding bloods to the fb29/39 boss loot would be a great idea. These are generally used to get day-to-day items such as xp scrolls, guardian scrolls, charms. As well as allowing players to work to get their (some what esential) faster mount and flyer.

    For the higher fbs (51+), where Profundity scrolls are added, i think it might be a bit too stong, as people will just run these instances to farm xp at extreme rates.

  • Agree with Satine 100%. :thumbup: Might also be a shout to allow the person Tabbing to receive the bloods too. Makes the awkward silences much easier when we decide who the sacrifice is. :D

  • how about instead of making it a boss drop, we add a daily quest for lvl 20+ that requires FB bosses to be killed and having their corresponding blood be the reward along with exp, spirit and coins? like 3~10 blood/ day with 3 being fb 19 bosses and scaling it up as the instances become harder. this way we reduce the possibility of it being abused since you can only do it once per day

  • I'd 10000% vouch for the idea of rewqrding the tabber with a blood as well, I was actually surprised, because I didn't know that was a thing.

    I also like the idea of having another daily quest that rewards with a blood of some type, maybe even BH I itself (and only BH 1, not 2 and 3)