Game Crash

The server was closed on April 2nd, 2023
  • PW has crashed! Please send the following information to an admin.

    EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at 0x006eb53c

    [0] 0x006eb53c => game.exe ?

    [1] 0x006e8831 => game.exe ?


    show_mp_bar = 1

    show_hp_bar = 1

    borderless_fullscreen = 0

    d3d8 = 1

    Anyone else have this happen?

    BTW: I am really liking this server! :)

  • Yes, sorry - that was my fault and it happened to everyone who was online at that time. I sent an invalid packet to everyone's client while testing the discord bot.

    It shouldn't happen again :)

  • Beta

    Closed the thread.