The server was closed on April 2nd, 2023
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The server stores usernames in multiple spots and I had to hack it to always read latest ones. PW really wasn't prepared for changing username in 1.3.6
- The client caches usernames (so if someone renames while you were online you will still see the old name above their head and possibly in chat). The cache may get flushed eventually at some point, or you can relog to see the new names.
- Faction list and chat uses server-cache which I think I hacked now, more testing needed.
- Friend list has its own username DB, and I hacked it not to use it.
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- Names above the head are now updated, others don't even need to relog
- Chat names are updated
- Faction list is updated only when a user logs in, on a fresh server restart it shows the original name -> TBD
Also I found the piece of code for changing every GM's name in private messages to just GM, and I removed it. Now I can talk freely
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Faction names are now updated. All done. The update should happen tomorrow 9AM SVT
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All done