It's ok I will just continue with the account as it is and make another one (already done, ha ha). Planning ahead for squads apparently is not my forte :). thanks for the response. hope things calm down for you, sometimes life can really suck.
Posts by mzbluz
The server was closed on April 2nd, 2023
Is it possible to transfer a char to another account? On this account I have Batilly, Malcom, and JustnTyme. If i create a 'sub account' or another game account on this account can I transfer Malcom to it? Just wondering
thank you ToastyMarshmallows
How do I name a project?
How do I upload images as new buff icons? Is there any way to edit existing buff icons? Do I need to know the name of the buff?
Does the editor only edit spawners? (ie NPC's, mobs/monsters)
I didn't see any way to edit any thing else.
Anyone else having issues with not getting vote points or having them removed after voting? I was able to "vote now" on gtop100 this evening and it removed 20 vote points! I had 1980 before I voted and 1960 after! WTF!!!
I should have had 2000 vote points by this evening for the arcane book: pet I will be tracking vote points FAR more closely now!
I don't know if this is possible but can you add buff icons to veno pet when they have claw, reflect, and any other self buff active?
oh ok
PW has crashed! Please send the following information to an admin.
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at 0x006eb53c
[0] 0x006eb53c => game.exe ?
[1] 0x006e8831 => game.exe ?
show_mp_bar = 1
show_hp_bar = 1
borderless_fullscreen = 0
d3d8 = 1
Anyone else have this happen?
BTW: I am really liking this server!