The server was closed on April 2nd, 2023
  • if it isn't easy to remove beta, we could look at a 1 per character "pack" that gives the amount of coins to buy all skills thru lvl 10 for that class. If they spend it elsewhere, then they get to farm the coin for skills :P

  • The Russians are recompiling PW from sources (which are available online btw), so they can modify absolutely everything. I'm staying away from those sources, because the code is terrible as in any chinese MMO game, but I used them as a reference when developing that TAB-select hack for older PW versions.

    Maybe those prices are somewhere in data files and I just haven't seen them yet. We'll have to see.

  • we could also give out coins for finishing up a culty phase. this would give a large sum of gold for all classes. would only be kinda bad for bms because they have a lot of skills. this would prevent it from being too abusable with Alyssa.