Posts by Beta

The server was closed on April 2nd, 2023

    That overlay "The same goods are used by other NPCs..." is not really handy - I know it's tempting to click "Edit just for this NPC" just to see what it does, but this action is irreversible and potentially harmful. Along with what Escanor suggested about copying or cloning settings from different NPCs, I would like to propose a following concept:

    In each window (NPC, NPC goods, NPC recipes), add two radio buttons (one must be selected, the other one not). One would say "edit directly", the other one - "use a template". Editing directly would be the same as "Edit just for this NPC" in the current version. If the template is selected, then you can use a handy window (something similar to the item finder) to choose a configuration that's already present - e.g. from any other NPC. The window looks the same then, but there's a bold text saying "you're editing a template used in N other places", and there's also a button to clone that template -> so the you could base on it, but still make changes specific to that particular, single NPC.

    I'm writing this down mostly for myself :P

    Have a good evening!

    Published! Currently the editor pulls all data from and could easily kill the bandwidth there, so I'm only sharing with a few people for now. They have a "Contributor" rank on discord.

    The editor is in a pretty much raw state atm. There will be definitely some UI/UX improvements soon (along with new features of course), but I'm really hoping to get some initial feedback now.

    Thanks everyone!

    14/11/2019 done:

    * prepare a nice progress bar for loading all resources at the beginning (it might really take a while)

    * load all resources asynchronously, so the webpage doesn't freeze on slow connection

    * publish!

    13/11/2019 done:

    * allow saving npc goods

    * allow saving npc crafts

    * allow adding goods and crafts to NPCs which didn't have them originally

    * ask user whether he wants to change a particular goods/crafts list for a single, selected NPC or all NPCs using that scheme (like all merchants offer the same goods because they use the same object in database)

    12/11/2019 done:

    * the changes view is now fully done

    there's still no functionality to rollback the changes with a single click, but at least we can see what the original data was

    I'm thinking the rollback button would appear in a menu upon right mouse click. I don't want to rush coding it, as a similar menu will be surely used in other areas of the editor - so the code should be somewhat generic.

    We just discussed with Foxi that Crusade Orders can be removed from TT drops. They're only a disappointment when you get them ;)

    We're getting close to the first release of the editor which will offer the following:

    • editing goods sold by any NPC
      • modifying what items are sold, in which tabs, positions, etc
      • modifying their price
    • editing crafting recipes offerred by any NPC
      • modifying which items can be crafted (can be *any* PW items)
      • each recipe can yield one of four different items (like 1,2, or 3-star gear), each of those items can be changed, together with their % probability
      • change the required mats (and coins)
      • change the required craft level, gained xp, spirit, and a few other minor details
    • browse all previously made changes, be able to rollback any modified recipe, etc

    For the first release, all user-made changes will be stored locally in the browser. It will be possible to reload the webpage or close it without losing any progress, but there won't be any way to publish or even export those changes.

    Now, the second release of the editor (which doesn't have a release date just yet) will provide an option to send all those custom changes to a server (and, naturally, to me)

    I'm not sure when I'll be able to finish coding all the review and publishing functionality, but all the changes you're doing at any point of time will be viewable/usable even in the final version of the editor. It's a priority to me to prevent situations where someone doesn't want to make changes just yet because they won't make it to the final game. No - You can make changes now, and publish them later. :)

    I hope this post made things a little bit clearer. I'll publish the first version on Nov 14th. There's a few things still left to do, but it's looking good for now.

    10/11/2019 to do:

    * add a view listing out all custom changes


    I didn't quite make it, but managed to get the needed infrastructure done. I've cleaned up a lot of code and also added a few utilities to ease error reporting and debugging.


    I added *all* PW items to the editor and now I'm having performance issues with the item finder :(

    I need to implement something smart so that it's both fast and pleasant to use

    teleport stones/essences and Geo map craftable from mine mats ( map from lowest grade/ higher grade would yield more stones or essences)

    +1 love it

    each tt mat can make a token that can be used to make any other mat of the same level ( gives useless mats a purpose and would make farming tt much easier, especially for solo modes) ( might not work if tt is intended to be endgame since this system makes it easy to get the gear)

    +1, although it should be balanced enough so that the regular TT runs in party are still worth it

    town invasions

    have the commanders drop 3 star weps according to level of invasion.

    have regular mobs drop mob mats based off level

    +1, I'm also thinking about boosting XP from those mobs. Invasion could last only about 2h but give great rewards.

    add tokens or game currency

    lots of places these could be put. would be used to make charms, pots, scrolls, pet, pet skills , refine items, etc

    there are already plans for that - Boutique items :)

    fb tabs

    boost the rep for the tab quests ( would make this a good rep farming source)

    make tabs craftable or obtainable in some way

    Instead of making tabs craftable, I think Foxi suggested to make an "event-like" NPC with a quest to kill e.g. 5 Qingzis


    make molds craftable

    one interesting way I've seen this done was to make all dq items convert to a dragon sphere. the spheres could be used to make other dq items or a lot could make molds

    +1 That's a good idea.


    make the chest of serenity give 1m exp ( full run with all bosses required)

    changed chest rewards

    I'm not sure about this. I'll leave it to a further discussion.

    06/11/2019 done:

    * spent a lot of time cleaning up the window layout to make it resizable - it'll be needed for item or icon finder

    * as a result of the above, the npc window can now be resized

    * loaded all the item icons

    * finished up the npc goods window

    05/11/2019 done:

    * open windows in a better default position to make them more user friendly (currently they always show up in a fixed spot on a screen)

    * added npc name labels shown on marker hover

    * gui windows now have "pin" buttons. By default, a window is not pinned and will automatically disappear when the map is dragged. All windows can be pinned.

    * put actual data into the npc view

    The windows will now open in a closest spot on the screen that's the least occupied.

    04/11/2019 done:

    * load npc names from the server files

    * only show NPC markers on the main map (editing monsters will come much later, so we don't need their markers so far)

    02/11/2019 done:

    * optimize marker rendering (displaying 12k of them lags miserably)

    * calibrate npc positions so that markers are placed accurately

    * fix window drag stopping randomly

    * make use of browser local storage to save the editor state

    * figure out NPC "groups" (it's a field in NPC structure => multiple mobs can be spawned at once in result to an external trigger)

    * design the data format (what will be sent to the server? It'll be some JSON, but what should be the structure? how to parse it nicely in the code?)

    31/10/2019 done:

    * draggable map

    * clickable npc marker

    01/11/2019 done:

    * draggable windows

    * mocked npc view, offered goods view, and item finder view

    * load actual NPCs from the server files

    Apparently there's over 12k NPCs on the main map (including monsters), and showing 12k markers on the screen doesn't give decent performance.

    I will have to implement some more complex logic.