Posts by Escanor

The server was closed on April 2nd, 2023

    teleportation items

    teleport stones/essences and Geo map craftable from mine mats ( map from lowest grade/ higher grade would yield more stones or essences)


    each tt mat can make a token that can be used to make any other mat of the same level ( gives useless mats a purpose and would make farming tt much easier, especially for solo modes) ( might not work if tt is intended to be endgame since this system makes it easy to get the gear)

    town invasions

    have the commanders drop 3 star weps according to level of invasion.

    have regular mobs drop mob mats based off level

    add tokens or game currency

    lots of places these could be put. would be used to make charms, pots, scrolls, pet, pet skills , refine items, etc

    fb tabs

    boost the rep for the tab quests ( would make this a good rep farming source)

    make tabs craftable or obtainable in some way


    make molds craftable

    one interesting way I've seen this done was to make all dq items convert to a dragon sphere. the spheres could be used to make other dq items or a lot could make molds


    make the chest of serenity give 1m exp ( full run with all bosses required)

    changed chest rewards

    once beta has the fancy editor working for us noobs I can make some pretty examples of these ideas if people end up liking them :)